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€ 15,00
SECOND HAND ICE2000 - MPLAB-ICE EMULATOR POD SERIES 2000 MPLAB ICE 2000 is a highperformance, real-time In-Circuit Emulator. MPLAB ICE 2000 is Microchip’s Universal In-Circuit Emulator (ICE) for the PICmicro®microcontrollers (MCU). Designed with the user requirements in mind, the MPLAB ICE 2000 system is small, portable and light weight, and offers improved performance and value. For quick hook-up to portable or desktop PCs, MPLAB ICE 2000 easily connects to the parallel (printer) port. Interchangeable processor modules allow the system to be easily configured to emulate different processors. This modular system consists of an emulator pod, a processor module, a device adapter, and a translation socket. Also included is Microchip’s MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) featuring MPLAB Editor, MPASM™ Universal Assembler, MPLAB SIM Software Simulator, and MPLABProject Manager with built-in support for high-level languages that supports the Common Object Description format (i.e., MPASM, MPLAB C17, and MPLAB C18). MPLAB ICE 2000 is a full-featured emulator system providing full-speed emulation, low-voltage operation, 32K by 128-bit trace, and unlimited breakpoints. Complex triggering of the MPLAB ICE 2000 provides sophisticated trace analysis and precision breakpoints. The trace analyzer captures real-time execution addresses, opcodes, and read/writes of external data. It also traces all file register RAM usage showing internal addresses and data values, as well as all accesses to special function registers, including I/O, timers, and peripherals. Triggers and breakpoints can be set on single events, multiple events, and sequences of events. The MPLAB ICE 2000 analyzer is fully transparent and does not require halting the processor to view the trace. In addition, MPLAB ICE 2000 supports code coverage profiling on program memory accesses.
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